Thursday, August 6, 2009

we are moving

so billy and I found a place that has 3 bedrooms, so Olivia will have her own room. hooray!!!!!!
We will be going to 3rd ward with some very close Friends. We will miss 2nd ward but rules are rules! Olivia and Liah well be going to the some school, brcvpa magnet.
The girls are so happy to move into a new place but will miss there friends. We made so name art for their rooms.


Lori O said...

how fun. erika told me you guys were moving but she didn't say where. congrats on the new place!!

Jenn said...

good for you guys! I didn't know yall were looking to move. I like your new blog look, except for the bright yellow letters. So Liah is in kindergarten now? Growing up so fast!

